Tales of the River Bank
Now where were we, on our Docklands road trip? Ah yes, we’d come a long way in time - around 1,500 years, but only around a mile or two in…
Now where were we, on our Docklands road trip? Ah yes, we’d come a long way in time - around 1,500 years, but only around a mile or two in…
How about a river trip, without getting your feet wet ? An expedition along the banks of the River Thames, heading east out of the city, and following the river…
In these historic islands, we can’t often see things exactly as they’d have looked through the eyes of our ancestors. Landscapes shift, buildings age and crumble, old things disappear under…
Here’s a nautical post to recall warmer times, in this cold weather. We spent some happy hours at the English seaside last summer. We idled away a few pleasant afternoons…
On your trips out and about, do you sometimes spot random stuff - lumps of concrete, bits of iron, abandoned huts and sheds, strange buildings in the middle of nowhere…
Last year for me, a small pleasure, in that wild west virtual saloon named Twitter, was reading the latest posts from the Reverend Richard Coles. Yes, that one - him…
What’s the first date you learned at school, in those dull history lessons? No question, it was of course that of the Battle of Hastings. 1066 (and All That).…
I wish you all belated Easter greetings. This time last year I was posting about sacred chickens, pagan hares and Easter - or rather Eostre’s - bunnies. This time around,…
Everyone likes a good conspiracy theory, so I thought we’d start off with some fun. In 1982, a ‘non-fiction’ book was published with the title The Holy Blood and the…
Here’s another post about the first world war. It’s such a compelling period to study: it’s so close in time to us, yet it’s slowly receding into “proper” history. My…
I do love a good walk. And as an amateur historian, I love the ancient paths and tracks that cover these islands. Not only the Roman roads which criss-cross…
Following my recent musings on crop circles, JP, a friend who takes an occasional interest in my posts, took me to task. “ Why are you writing all this boring…